List of publications


Here is a list of my publications. You can also find most of them on my Academia page and listed in my ORCID. If you didn't find what you were looking for, just shoot me an email here.

 Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

2023 How to pull a wagon in Indo-European: Vedic īṣā́- ‘shaft’, áyate and ī́yate ‘speeds’, and a new old root for ‘move (a vehicle)’.Indogermanische Forschungen 128, 83–124. 

2022/2023 “Ein urindogermanischer Seitensprung. Griechisch μοιχός ‘Ehebrecher’ und urgermanisch *maigaz ‘schamlos’.” Die Sprache 55, 22–26.

2022 A Proto-Indo-European word for 'spider'? Un-weaving the prehistory of the Greek ἀράχνη and the Latin arāneus. Graeco-Latina Brunensia 27/1, 69–89. [download]

2020 “Substantivization of Adjectives.” Indo-European Linguistics 8, 181–204. [download]

2019 “La belle Hélène”, a generic brothel, and the development of *CR̥HC sequences in Ancient Greek.” Die Sprache 52/2, 177–201. [download]

2019 “Das Adjektiv φριξóς und die Nikander-Überlieferung Theriaka 777–9.” Scripta Classica Israelica 38, 17–28. [download]

2018 “Eine Notiz zum “Hyperdorismus” μλα ‘Kleinvieh’ bei Theokrit.” Die Sprache 52/1, 1–18. [download]

2017 “Zur Etymologie von lat. laxus ‘locker, weit’.” Philologia Classica 12/2, 154159. [download]

2017 “Observations on the palma rule.” Pallas – Revue d’études antiques 103, 15–23. [download]

2015 Denominale Sekundärderivation im Indogermanischen. Eine Ochsentour.” Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 69/2, 219–243. [download]

2015 Dark Matter: The root *√uel ‘dark, black’.” Indo-European Linguistics 3, 2441. [download]

2014 “Notes on three “acrostatic” neuter s-stems.” Indogermanische Forschungen 119, 293–337. [download]

Chapters in Peer-Reviewed Edited Volumes

2023 “Homeric ἀνδρειφόντης and the Unraveling of an Unmetrical Verse.” In: Laura Massetti (ed.), Castalia. Studies in Indo-European Linguistics, Mythology, and Poetics. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 119–143.

2019 “‘I hereby present the use of the Latin 1st person perfect indicative as a performative.’” In L. van Gils, C. Kroon & R. Risselada (eds.), Lemmata Linguistica Latina: Volume II: Clause and Discourse. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 374–390. [download]

 Articles in Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

in press Smells like Metonymy: Homeric κνίση ‘steam, savor (of a burnt sacrifice)’ and ‘caul fat’, with an excursus on κνισός ‘having an unwanted smell or taste (as a result of overheating)’.” Proceedings of the I0th International Colloquium of Ancient Greek Linguistics, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, June 16–18, 2022

in press Linnaean Linguistics: ‘Bear’, ‘Horse’, ‘Wolf’ and the Indo-European Phylogeny from a Zoographical Perspective.” In Jenny Larsson et al. (eds.), Indo-European Interfaces: Building Bridges between Mythology, Linguistics and Archaeology, Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS) in Uppsala / Online, 15–16 October 2020. 

in press “A Night Reconnaissance: On Νύξ and her Aeolic (?) epithets in Homer.” In Lucien van Beek (ed.), Proceedings of the Conference Language Change in Epic Greek and other Oral Traditions, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, 27. – 29. Oktober 2016, Leiden, Netherlands. 

2022 “Kongruenz und Motion. Die femininen Formen des thematischen Adjektivs im Altgriechischen und Indogermanischen.” In Florian Sommer, Karin Stüber, Paul Widmer, Yoko Yamazaki (eds.), Indogermanische Morphologie in erweiterter Sicht, Grenzfälle und Übergänge, Beiträge zu einer 2020 in Zürich geplanten, aber nicht stattgefundenen Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, Innsbruck: Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft,  29–63. [download]

2020 “Vedic mahá- ‘large’ and Lithuanian mãžas ‘small’. The Emphatic Reading of Possessive Derivatives.” In Luka Repanšek & Velizar Sadovski (eds.), vácāmsi miśrā krṇavāmahai : Proceedings of the international conference of the Society for Indo-European Studies and IWoBA XII, Ljubljana 4–7 June 2019, celebrating one hundred years of Indo-European comparative linguistics at the University of Ljubljana. Hamburg: Baar-Verlag, 283–290. [download] 

 Articles in Conference Proceedings

 in press “Gender in Indo-European. A Synopsis.” In Riccardo Ginevra, Stefan Höfler & Birgit A. Olsen (eds.), Power, Gender and Mobility. Features of Indo-European Society. Proceedings of the conference, March 26–27, 2021. Copenhagen Studies in Indo-European Vol. 10, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press.

2022 “Greek adjectives in -ης (-ᾱς). An overlooked type?” In David M. Goldstein, Stephanie W. Jamison, and Brent Vine (eds.). 2022. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference. Hamburg: Buske. 125–42. [download]

2022 “Ein Potpourri aus ‘süß’ und ‘schleimig’: Caland-Wurzeln, Wortbildung, Etymologie und Co.” In Melanie Malzahn, Hannes A. Fellner & Theresa-Susanna Illés (eds.), Zurück zur Wurzel. Struktur, Funktion und Semantik der Wurzel im Indogermanischen. Akten der 15. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 13. bis 16. September 2016 in Wien. Vienna, Austria, 71–82.  [download]

2018 “A Look over Lat. umerus ‘shoulder’.” In David M. Goldstein et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference, Bremen: Hempen, 129–146. [download]

2018 “Die anatolischen s-Stämme: Flexivischer Archaismus oder Kategorie im Zerfall?” In Elisabeth Rieken et al (eds.), 100 Jahre Entzifferung des Hethitischen, Morphosyntaktische Kategorien in Sprachgeschichte und Forschung, Wiesbaden: Reichert, 121–135. [download]

2015 “Ist der Wettergott ein Himmelsgott? Indogermanische Götternamen und ihr Beitrag zur internen Derivation.” In C. Zinko and M. Zinko (eds.), 1. Grazer Symposium zur indogermanischen Altertumskunde, “Der antike Mensch im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ritual und Magie”, Graz, 14.–15. November 2013, Graz: Leykam, 148189. [download]

 Review Articles

2022/2023 Review article of Thomas Lindner: Urindogermanische Grammatik, Teil II, Flexionsparadigmen, Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2021. For: Die Sprache 55, 153–163.

2020 Review article of Michael Weiss: Outline of the Historical and Comparative Grammar of Latin. Second Edition. Ann Arbor, New York: Beech Stave Press, 2020. Kratylos 65, 114–131.  [download]

2019 Review article of Romain Garnier: La dérivation inverse en latin. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 157. Innsbruck, 2016. Kratylos 64, 97–126. [download]

Other Articles

2021 “Latin armus and rāmus: Polysemy and paradigmatic split.” In: Amice Benigneque Honorem Nostrum Habes: Estudios lingüísticos en homenaje al Profesor Benjamín García-Hernández, ed. by Unceta Gómez, L., González Vázquez, C., López Gregoris, R. & Martín Rodríguez, A. M., Madrid: UAM Ediciones, 247–256. [download]


2017 Der Stier, der Stärke hat. Possessive Adjektive und ihre Substantivierung im Indogermanischen. PhD dissertation, University of Vienna, Austria.  [download]

2012 Untersuchungen zum Ablaut der neutralen s-Stämme des Indogermanischen. MA thesis in Linguistics, University of Vienna, Austria. [download]


2023 Rieken, Elisabeth, Sasseville, David, Höfler, Stefan (2023): Proto-Anatolian *u̯és-to- (eDiAna-ID 3192). In: eDiAna. (URL: last visited on 03/07/2023.

2023 Bauer, Anna, Sasseville, David, Höfler, Stefan (2023): Proto-Anatolian *u̯ospeh2- (eDiAna-ID 3194). In: eDiAna. (URL: last visited on 03/07/2023.

2023 Rieken, Elisabeth, Sasseville, David, Höfler, Stefan (2023): Proto-Anatolian *lóh3u̯-/lh3u-´ (eDiAna-ID 3388). In: eDiAna. (URL: last visited on 03/07/2023.

2023 Billing, Oscar, Sasseville, David, Höfler, Stefan (2023): Proto-Anatolian *sElH-i- (eDiAna-ID 3375). In: eDiAna. (URL: last visited on 03/07/2023.

2023 Rieken, Elisabeth, Sasseville, David, Höfler, Stefan (2023): Proto-Anatolian *(s)tóu̯-ri- (eDiAna-ID 3331). In: eDiAna. (URL: last visited on 03/07/2023.

2023 Bauer, Anna, Rieken, Elisabeth, Sasseville, David, Höfler, Stefan (2023): Proto-Luwic *ur-o/i- (eDiAna-ID 3247). In: eDiAna. (URL: last visited on 03/07/2023.

2023 Payne, Annick, Bauer, Anna, Billing, Oscar, Sasseville, David, Höfler, Stefan (2023): Proto-Anatolian *ár-eh2- (eDiAna-ID 3334). In: eDiAna. (URL: last visited on 03/07/2023.

2023 Rieken, Elisabeth, Sasseville, David, Höfler, Stefan (2023): Proto-Anatolian *kéu̯p-/kup-´ (eDiAna-ID 3216). In: eDiAna. (URL: last visited on 03/07/2023.

2023 Rieken, Elisabeth, Sasseville, David, Höfler, Stefan (2023): Proto-Anatolian *dʰu-dʰeu̯- (eDiAna-ID 3459). In: eDiAna. (URL: last visited on 03/11/2023.

2023 Rieken, Elisabeth, Sasseville, David, Höfler, Stefan (2023): Proto-Anatolian *bʰér-/bʰr̥-´ (eDiAna-ID 3403). In: eDiAna. (URL: last visited on 03/11/2023.

2023 Sasseville, David, Höfler, Stefan (2023): Cuneiform Luwian mariḫš(i)- (eDiAna-ID 3439). In: eDiAna. (URL: last visited on 03/11/2023.

2023 Sasseville, David, Höfler, Stefan (2023): Palaic āmša-(i) (eDiAna-ID 3487). In: eDiAna. (URL: last visited on 03/11/2023.

2023 Payne, Annick, Bauer, Anna, Sasseville, David, Höfler, Stefan (2023): Proto-Anatolian *h₂óns-/h₂n̥s-´ (eDiAna-ID 3433). In: eDiAna. (URL: last visited on 03/11/2023.

2023 Bauer, Anna, Billing, Oscar, Sasseville, David, Höfler, Stefan (2023): Proto-Anatolian *sóh₂-/sh₂-´ (eDiAna-ID 3488). In: eDiAna. (URL: last visited on 03/11/2023.

2023 Sasseville, David, Höfler, Stefan (2023): Proto-Anatolian *sh₁-i̯é/ó- (eDiAna-ID 3502). In: eDiAna. (URL: last visited on 03/11/2023.