Talks & Presentations


This is a list of all my invited lectures and conference talks. If you're missing a handout to anyone of them, send me an email here.

Conference Papers and Presentations

2024 "Enantiosemy." The Speakers of Indo-European and their World – 150 years of Indo-European studies in Basel. 17. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, September 9 – 12, 2024, University of Basel. [slides]

2023 A Tale of Two Skies: *di̯éu̯- ‘bright sky’ and *nébʰes- ‘cloud’, and their implications for prehistoric uranology.” The Weather in Indo-European: Environment in Language and Culture, November 10–11, 2023, Copenhagen University.

canceled (Covid) Fateor autem et iuravi per Iovem et numen divi Augusti. Writtenness and Orality in the Chirographs of the Tabulae Pompeianae Sulpiciorum.” Workshop La langue latine et le droit romain, University of Toulouse, postponed to 2023. [abstract]

2023 “The origin of the Old Latin amāssō type.Lautwandel und morphologische Analogie (IG-AT2023), Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, September 12–14, 2023, Institut für Linguistik der Universität zu Köln. [handout]

2023 Lex Rix Latina: On the development of word-initial *HR̥C clusters in Latin.22nd International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (ICLL 2023), Prague, June 19–23, 2023, Institute of Greek and Latin Studies (Faculty of Arts, Charles University Prague). [slides]

2023 Caland in Celtic.” (Together with David Stifter). Workshop Deadjectival verb formation in Indo-European: Historical and theoretical perspectives. Institute of Iranian Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna, March 10 – 11, 2023. [slides]

2022 “Homeric κνίση.” I0th International Colloquium of Ancient Greek Linguistics, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, June 16–18, 2022.  [handout]

2021 “Agree to not Agree. On the Presence and Absence of Derived Feminine Adjectives in Greek and Indo-European.” 32nd Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference, University of California, Los Angeles / Online, November 5‒7. [handout]

2020 “Who’s Afraid of a Fearful Wolf? On the Manifold Readings of Possessive Adjectives in Indo European.” Form and Meaning, Nominal Word Formation and Derivational Semantics in Indo-European, University of Copenhagen / Online, November 13–14.  [slides]

2019 “Slaying men, or an etymology? Homeric ἀνδρειφόντης.” Indo-European Religion and Poetics: A Comparative Approach: Myth, Ritual and Language, University of Copenhagen, October 11–12. (instead of the handout, I recommend the finished [paper])

2019 “The two types of “secondary” *-(e-)h₂ stems in PIE.” Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft. 100 Jahre Indogermanistik an der Universität Ljubljana, Ein “Ljubljäum”, June 4–7.  [handout] 

2019 Story of O. On a peculiar substantivization type in PIE.” 5th Indo-European Research Colloquium, Leiden, March 21–22.  [handout]

2018 The Caprice of O.... On a Proto-Indo-European substantivization type and its excesses in Ancient Greek.” 37th East Coast Indo-European Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, June 15‒17.  [handout]

2017 “A Look over Lat. umerus.29th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference,, University of California, Los Angeles, November 3‒4.  (instead of the handout, I recommend the finished  [paper])

2017 “Hittite ḫišša- c. ‘thill, shaft (of a cart)’ and the feminine gender in Proto-Indo-European.” The Split ‒ Reconstructing Early Indo-European Language and Culture, University of Copenhagen, September 13‒15, Copenhagen, Denmark. [handout]

2017 ““I hereby confirm that …” — On the hitherto neglected use of the 1st person perfect indicative as a performative.” 19th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (ICLL), April 24–28, Munich, Germany. (instead of the handout, I recommend the finished  [paper]) 
(For this talk, I was honored to receive the Machtelt Bolkestein Award 2017 for the best presentation of a paper by a young scholar).

2016 Caland à la celtique bzw. Was vom Caland-System im Keltischen übrig ist.” Workshop Caland in Sicht – Property Concept Morphologie aus indogermanistischer und allgemeinlinguistischer Perspektive, Österreichische Linguistik Tagung, November 27–29, Graz, Austria.  [handout]

2016 A Night Reconnaissance: On Νύξ and her epithets in Homer.” Language Change in Epic Greek and other Oral Traditions, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, October 27–29, Leiden, The Netherlands. (instead of the handout, I recommend the finished  [pre-publication manuscript])

2016 “Ein Potpourri aus ‘süß’ und ‘schleimig’: Caland-Wurzeln, Wortbildung, Etymologie und Co.” Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft “Zurück zur Wurzel — Struktur, Funktion und Semantik der Wurzel im Indogermanischen”, September 13–16, Vienna, Austria. (instead of the handout, I recommend the finished  [paper])

2015 "Die anatolischen s-Stämme: Flexivischer Archaismus oder Kategorie im Zerfall?” Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft “100 Jahre Entzifferung des Hethitischen: Morphosyntaktische Kategorien in Sprachgeschichte und Forschung”, September 21–23, Marburg, Germany. (instead of the handout, I recommend the finished  [paper])

2015 “Observations on the palma rule.” 18e Colloque International de Linguistique Latine (ICLL), June 8–13, Toulouse, France. (instead of the handout, I recommend the finished  [paper])
(For this talk, I received the second prize (honorable mention) of the Machtelt Bolkestein Award 2015 for the best presentation of a paper by a young scholar).

2015 Dark Matter: The root *√uel ‘black’.” 34th East Coast Indo-European Conference, June 4–7, Vienna, Austria. (instead of the handout, I recommend the finished  [paper])

2015 “Hrozný auf Griechisch: Bemerkungen rund um die Sippe von gr. φρικτός ‘schrecklich’.” Bedřich-Hrozný-Symposium: 100 Jahre Entzifferung des Hethitischen, May 15, Vienna. (instead of the handout, I recommend the finished  [paper])

2015 “Denominale Sekundärderivation im Indogermanischen. Eine Ochsentour (Teil 2).” 1. Indogermanistisches Forschungskolloquium, March 26–27, Erlangen, Germany.  (instead of the handout, I recommend the finished  [paper])

2014 “Denominale Sekundärderivation im Indogermanischen. Eine Ochsentour.” 41. Österreichische Linguistiktagung, December 6–8, Vienna, Austria.

2013 “Ist der Wettergott ein Himmelsgott? Indogermanische Götternamen und ihr Beitrag zur internen Derivation.” 1. Grazer Kolloquium zur Indogermanischen Altertumskunde “Der antike Mensch im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ritual und Magie”, November 14–15, Graz, Austria. (instead of the handout, I recommend the finished  [paper])

2013 “Notes on three “acrostatic” neuter s-stems.” Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft “The lengthened grade”, July 29–31, Leiden, The Netherlands. (instead of the handout, I recommend the finished  [paper])

Invited Talks and Lectures

2024 “Indo-European affinities in the Near East.” Invited Speaker at Charles University, Prague, March 2024.

2021 Of Beasts and Men. The Animals of the Proto-Indo-Europeans.” Invited Speaker at the Festlig Faglig Fredag, University of Copenhagen, September 10, 2021. [slides]

2021 “A Horse of a Different Color? The Phonology of Ancient Greek ἵππος.” Invited Speaker at the Circolo Linguistico Fiorentino: Case Studies in Ancient Greek Phonology, Florence / Online, June 28, 2021. [handout] 

2021 “Gender in Indo-European. A Synopsis.” Power, Gender and Mobility. Features of Indo-European Society, March 26–27, 2021, Copenhagen / Online. [slides] 

2021 “How to pull a wagon in Indo-European: The derivational history of the word for ‘shaft (of a cart)’ and remarks on substantivization and adjectival agreement in PIE.” Invited Speaker at the Cornell Linguistics Colloquium, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York / Online, February 25, 2021.

2020 ‘Linnaean Linguistics’ or the Diversification of Indo-European from a Zoographical Perspective.” Invited Speaker at Indo-European Interfaces: Building Bridges between Mythology, Linguistics and Archaeology, Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS) in Uppsala / Online, 15–16 October 2020.

2020 “Sex and Crime. The Sequel.” Invited Speaker at the Festlig Faglig Online Fredag, University of Copenhagen / Online, March 20, 2020.

2019 “Sex and Crime. On two juicy details of Latin  nominal morphology.” Invited Speaker (Machtelt Bolkestein Award laureate) for a keynote address at the 20th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (ICLL) in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, June 1721, 2019.

2018 Performatives in the Past: The “Tragic Aorist” in Latin and Proto-Indo-European.” Invited Speaker at the GSAS Workshop in Indo-European and Historical Linguistics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, February 16, 2018. [handout]

2017 “La belle Hélène”, a generic brothel, and the development of *CRHC clusters in Ancient Greek.” Invited Speaker at the Cornell Workshop on Greek Linguistics, Cornell University Ithaca, New York, October 21, 2017. (instead of the handout, I recommend the finished  [paper])

2016 ““The Mighty Ox” and other Tales from the Land of Indo-European Word Formation.” Invited Speaker at the GSAS Workshop in Indo-European and Historical Linguistics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 7, 2016. [handout]

Picture by courtesy of Eva Steffenhagen Krogh